Carbon Nanomaterials in Aqueous Environment: From Characterization to Applications
Welcome to the Freigeist Workshop!
Carbon nanomaterials interact with water and ions in many ways in aqueous environment. A large variety of carbon nanomaterials, including nanodiamonds, carbon dots, carbon nitride, graphene and MXene, have recently been proposed for applications in energy conversion and storage, water remediation and filtration, or nanomedicine among others. For all these applications, complex interactions with aqueous environment are involved, which remain still poorly understood yet.
In this interdisciplinary workshop, various aspects involving carbon-liquid interface will be discussed ranging from new methods enabling in situ characterization and simulation of nanomaterials in liquid to development of new applications. A special emphasis will be given to the characterization of photo- and electrochemical processes occurring at the surface of carbon nanomaterials in aqueous environment.

Thank you for funding!
Freigeist Fellowship
A ‘Freigeist’ fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation is a young researcher with a strong personality, a creative mind, an ability to identify and use freedom, dedicated to overcoming resistance. If necessary, he or she will be a free spirit, enjoying the unexpected, even unexpected difficulties. A ‘Freigeist’ fellow opens up new horizons and combines critical analysis with imagination and innovative solutions. By thinking ahead the ‘Freigeist’ fellow will act as a catalyst in overcoming existing disciplinary, institutional and even national boundaries.
Freigeist Fellowships of Volkswagen Foundation
HZB Press Release on Freigeist Fellow Tristan Petit
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