Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL2019)
The ERL'19 workshop is the eighth in the series of biannual international workshops covering accelerator physics and technology of Energy Recovery Linacs. The workshop will serve as a forum for scientists and engineers from around the world to review the latest developments in ERL physics, technology and applications, to exchange ideas and discuss.
Among the issues to be addressed are: ERL facilities, beam dynamics and instrumentation, Electron sources and injectors, Superconducting RF, ERL applications , etc. The talks will cover commissioning and operations experience, ERL applications, status presentations from different projects. There will be plenary sessions and the possibility to display posters.

Workshop Topics
- ERL facilities
- ERL beam dynamics and instrumentation
- Electron sources and injectors
- Superconducting RF
- ERL applications
Evening Events
Registered attendees are invited to attend the welcome reception and banquet dinner.
ERL Facility Summary
In continuation of the ERL2017 workshop the list of worldwide ERL facilities will be updated and extended if required. If you find parameters necessary to be updated or missing facilities, please just send an email to Michael Abo-Bakr.