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Students who intend to participate in the summer school are required to apply through the Quantsol Summer School application form. Since the summer school is limited to 52 students, we have a selection procedure. In order to be able to judge on your qualification, you are requested to submit your curriculum vitae plus a short statement that justifies favorable consideration as a participant.

Students that are accepted to participate in the summer school will be notified beginning of June 2025. Further details will be sent out with the notification of acceptance.

Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Please make sure that the spelling is correct since this data is used for all other procedures, e.g. name badges.

Gender *

Already applied for the summer school before? *

Already attended the summer school *




Background *

Position *

Special food requirements *

In the box below, please submit your letter of application (max. 1000 characters) in which you justify favorable consideration of you as a participant to this Summer School. This information is required and together with your CV will be used to evaluate your participation. Without this information you cannot be considered for the Summer School. Additional e-mails will not be considered.
Letter of application (max. 1000 characters) *



applicable for HZB employees and HZB guest scientists)

I hereby agree that in case of being accepted, my data (e-mail and institutional address) will be passed on to the other participants of the Quantsol Winter School.*

I accept *