Optics & Beam Dynamics
The Task of the Opics & Beam Dynamics group of bERLinPro is to setup a beam guiding system, transporting the electrons from the source through the various accelerating sections to the place of a potential experiment. From there the beam has to sent on a second deccelerating passage throug the main accelerator and finally into a bem dump.
Finding the optimal position and strength of the beam guiding magnets but also of the srf components is the goal of the groups work. Most challenging aspects, extensively investigated, are:
- Generation of an electron beam of requested quality at the potential experiment position. Here quality refers to transversal bunch sizes and bunch length, defining the bunch density as well as to the energy spread of the electrons within one bunch. Since the desired beam quality cannot be generated from the source beam manipulation techniques as well as physical damping effect has to be used to meet the target parameters.
- a high ERL beam power can only be reached when beam losses on the recirculation path can be replaced by the available RF power of the main accelerator. Thats why a low loss rate and a very high transmission rate respectively is mandatory for ERL operation.
- due to the high electron density in the bunches and the high average current in general a lot of collective effects have to be considered that can harm the beam quality or even lead to instbilities losses transmission. A suitable magnet optics can reduce these effects or cure its consequences.
General accelerator physics to be investigated:
- linear beam optics
- beam manipulation techniques
- efficiency of energy recovery
- beam quality dilluting effects
- scatered particles, halo & dark current
- wake fields & impedances
Details of the layout strategy are given here:
Injector: Gun, Booster & Merger