RGLAB: Russian-German Laboratory at BESSY II
The operation of the Russian-German Joint Laboratory (RGBL) at BESSY II is suspended for an undetermined period of time due to the Russian Federation's war of aggression against Ukraine. We condemn the serious breach of international law. We are concerned for all inhabitants of Ukraine and for the researchers and students affected by the war. We remain in solidarity with them.

The idea to establish a Russian-German Laboratory (RGLab) at BESSY II, consisting of a beamline and an experimental station, came up in 1994 as the result of the long-standing co-operation between scientists from the physics departments of the Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. G. Kaindl) and Saint Petersburg State University (Prof. V. K. Adamchuk). A scientific case of the installation was worked out in cooperation with specialists of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Prof. W. Gudat) on the basis of research proposals for tentative experiments collected from more than 40 Russian scientific groups and institutions. In 2021, the RGLab celebrated their 20th anniversary.