Proton Therapy
Eye tumour therapy success story

A publication from the ATT team is highlighted by the editors of the journal "Medical Physics" as recommended reading. It concerns the so-called FLASH therapy, which the team tested on mouse eyes: in this case, the tumour is irradiated with protons only very briefly, but very strongly. This FLASH therapy also destroys the tumour, but has fewer side effects.
Referenz: Kourkafas, G.; Bundesmann, J.; Fanselow, T.; Denker, A.; Ehrhardt, V.H.; Gollrad, J.; Budach, V.; Weber, A.; Kociok, N.; Joussen, A.M.; Heufelder, J.: FLASH proton irradiation setup with a modulator wheel for a single mouse eye. Medical Physics 48 (2021), p. 1839-1845, doi: 10.1002/mp.14730 Open Access (external provider).
The ATT team is developing a diagnostic system to precisely determine the energy and range of the proton beam. The company DE.TEC.TOR. S.r.l. acquires the licence to market the invention as a certified medical device. It ensures the quality of eye tumour therapy.
DE.TEC.TOR Group2014 –2012
The ATT team is hosting an international conference on particle therapy in September 2000 (33. Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group conference).