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Proton Therapy

About us

We are part of an expert team that acts in the fields of ophthalmology, radiooncology, and medical physics. Together with the department of ophthalmology and the department of radiooncology of the Charité, the HZB staff actively contributes to tumour therapy.

Head Medical Physicist (Charité)

Dr. Jens HeufelderTelefon/Phone(030) 8062-42498Fax (030) 8062-42145

Head of Proton Therapy (HZB)

Prof. Dr. Andrea Denker Telefon / Phone (030) 8062 - 43000 Fax (030) 8062 - 42097 Business card

Physicist (HZB)

Dr. Georgios Kourkafas Telefon / Phone (030) 8062 - 42715 Fax (030) 8062 - 42097
Email Business card

Radiation Therapist (Charité)

Susanne RungeTelefon/Phone(030) 8062-42138Fax (030) 8062-42145

Radiation Therapist (Charité)

Lydia LeserTelefon/Phone(030) 8062-42138Fax (030) 8062-42145

Radiation Therapist (Charité)

Nancy LückeTelefon/Phone(030) 8062-42138Fax (030) 8062-42145

Radiation Therapist (Charité)

Jessica HelmeckeTelefon/Phone(030) 8062-42138Fax (030) 8062-42145