Project TAPAS
University of Ljubljana

The University of Ljubljana (UL) holds the title for being the oldest and largest institution for higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia. The University was founded in 1919. More than 40.000 students study at UL. With 23 faculties and three arts academies, 6.000 higher education teachers, researchers, assistants and administrative staff are needed to keep everything in order.
The University of Ljubljana has been ranked among the top 600 universities by the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU); it is placed 374th in The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), listed in the 801-1000 group in the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking, and the 601-650 group in the Quacquarelli Symonds ranking (July 2021). UL is also proud to host about 30 percent of all registered researchers in Slovenia.
Laboratory of Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics

The Laboratory of Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering within UL is part of UL and therefore in the project also represents the Faculty of Electrical Engineering within UL. Their research group for photovoltaics and optoelectronics in strongly involved in various EU projects and interest related projects about topics like:
- PV device modelling and simulation (optical: SunShine, CROWM; electrical: ASPIN3), also considering thin-film solar cells heterojunction silicon solar cells, interdigitated back-contact (IBC) solar cells and others
- light management strategies, also considering nano- and macro-textures and nanostructures in terms of optimal confinement of light in solar cell structures
- characterizing film and devices, characterizing light scattering, determining optical constants via reflection and transmission
- analyzing small and large area devices (such as PV modules) to detect defects and inhomogeneities using EL and LBIC techniques together with 3D electrical modelling
- outdoor PV monitoring, energy yield, degradation reliability and analysis of failure modes
Technische Universität Berlin

The Technische Universität Berlin (TUB or TU Berlin) is a university with a long and rich tradition and is globally recognized as an excellent research institution. The universities goal is to continue its development of science and technology that benefits our society. The members of the university try to apply the principles of sustainable development as best as they can to tackle contemporary challenges in order to minimize the burden for future generations. For them, research and teaching go hand in hand. More than 30.000 students enroll each semester with appx. 25% being of foreign nationality. With that TU Berlin has one of the highest proportions of international students in Germany.
TU Berlin is also represented in many University ranking lists such as THE World University Ranking where they placed 140th (September 2020) and also took the 159th place in QS Top University Ranking worldwide, thus being in the top 15 percent of the table (June 2021).

The mission of "Competence Centre Photovoltaics Berlin" (PVcomB) is to support worldwide growth of thin-film photovoltaic technologies and products by providing top-level development and technology transfer. In co-operative R&D projects with academia and industry all relevant aspects of thin-film photovoltaics are addressed. They benefit from the synergetic effects by addressing topics covering the different technologies.

The "Helmholtz Innovation Lab HySPRINT" is a cooperation platform for industry at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin with a focus on (opto)electronic materials and devices at an early technological stage of development. In ultramodern laboratories located in the Berlin-Adlershof Technology Park they provide their industrial partners access to all relevant technological processes and characterization methods. With their innovative team of experts, they drive product development dynamically forward, thus enabling a rapid market entry.