Project TAPAS
Dr. Marko Jošt
PhD: 2013-2017: University of Ljubljana, Technical University Berlin (LPVO group)
Post Doc: 2017-2020: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, (Steve Albrecht’s group)
Assistant professor: 2020- : Faculty of electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana (LPVO group)
Research Focus
My research is focused on perovskite solar cells. Main topics are the development perovskite-based tandem solar cells, light management and field operation of perovskite solar cells. First two topics are key to high-performance perovskite-based tandem solar cells, while the latter is extremely important for the market entry and to achieve long-term operational stability.
I hope that the progress in perovskite research can (soon) play a part in slowing down global warming and climate changes.
As a person who was a part of both research groups I am pleased to have the joint project to promote further collaboration. I believe that the TAPAS project is perfect for young PhDs to get experience from two research groups in two different countries. This will give them a broad skill set for the future and also enable efficient knowledge transfer between the two groups.
Dr. Carolin Ulbrich
Scientist (2005-2007): Soil Physics, Institute for Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany
PhD (2007-2009): Photovoltaics, Institute of Physical Electronics, University of Stuttgart, Germany
PhD, from 2011 Postdoc (2009-2014): Solar Cell and Module Characterization / Device Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Visiting Scientist (2012-2013): PV Module Reliability Test and Evaluation Group, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA (NREL)
Project Management in Industry (2014-2017): Test manager, responsible for diagnostics, function owner in advanced driver assistant system series development, Carmeq GmbH, Berlin (Volkswagen subsidiary)
Systemic Coach (2019) and Trainer for Positive Psychology (2021): German Society of Positive Psychology, Berlin, Germany
Group leader (2017-): Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (Outdoor performance analysis)
Research Focus
My research and the research in my group focusses on outdoor performance and outdoor data analysis of solar cells of all technologies. We operate a test side for solar cell and module samples (single cells, tandems, and modules), analyze the acquired data and give feedback to the manufacturers. Through the collaboration with the UL we were able to extend the measurement facilities and install an outdoor experimental setup for perovskite-based (single-junction and tandem) solar cells that is to our knowledge unique among research facilities (except for that of the UL itself) in that research area and very much needed. Additionally, we operate a test site with industrial modules and host a BIPV installation. We analyze our own data and data from large PV field installations and from research data banks based on data science methods. The BAIP office independently counsels builders, architects, investors and planers in respect to real-world PV installations.
Marko Remec
MSc: Electrical engeneering – electronics (University of Ljubljana)
PhD: 2020-: University of Ljubljana (LPVO group), Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB)
Research Focus
My work is focused on outdoor characterization of perovskite and perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells. The topic includes hands-on work such as development of measuring devices and outdoor stability testing as well as computer modelling of lifetime and energy yield. Understanding devices in terms of stability and real-world performance is crucial to the success of tandem solar cells to enter the ‘traditional’ PV market and contribute to a more efficient future energy generation.
It’s exciting to be able to work with two experienced research groups, PVcomB and LPVO, as part of TAPAS project.
Florian Scheler

BSc: Molecular Science – Friedrich Alexander University (2015-2018) Erlangen-Nuremberg
MSc: Molecular Nano Science (2018-2021) - Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
PhD: 2021-: Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB) / University of Ljubljana
Research Focus
Doctorate Student working on next generation tandem solar cells, employing perovskite absorber(s) with focus on efficiency and long-term stability, both essential for the market entrance of photovoltaics based on this material class. The main focus of my work and study program is characterization of interfaces, interfacial phenomena and material characteristics, as well as their final influence on the performance of solar cells under different working conditions. The aim of my doctorate is to find strategies for identifying and eventually overcoming the efficiency limits prevailing in solar cells employing wide-bandgap perovskite absorber(s). For that purpose, we are comparing real world conditions with laboratory ones to understand the correlation of efficiency and stability in both environments.
The TAPAS project to me is an ideal example of the European idea: vivid exchange of ideas, knowledge, and skills between different countries, making the best use of the individual potential of the different parties, while working towards a shared goal.
I am looking forward to take part in this journey by collecting new experiences inside different cultural and scientific landscapes - both for my personal progress, as well as to strengthen the bilateral connection between the two partners.
Dr. Mark Khenkin
PhD: (2012-2016) Semiconductor Physics (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Postdoc: (2017-2019) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (prof. E. Katz’s group)
Postdoc: (2019-) Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Carolin Ulbrich’s group)
Research Focus
My research is focused on the outdoor performance and stability of perovskite solar cells and tandems based on them. This work includes topics of device encapsulation, tracing the impact of environmental factors on the cell power output and development of accelerated indoor ageing procedures. Identification of the degradation modes in perovskite devices that are relevant for real-world scenarios is the key to improving their operational lifetime and designing technology-specific testing procedures.
Collaboration within TAPAS project offers a great get my research to a new level through samples and ideas exchange with project partners and upgrades for our outdoor setups that enable long-term outdoor tracking of the small area single junction and tandem devices.
Špela Tomšič
MSc: Electrical engineering – electronics (University of Ljubljana)
PhD: 2019-: University of Ljubljana (LPVO group)
Research focus
My research is focused on field performance modelling and optimization of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells. The topic covers the indoor characterization, outdoor monitoring as well as numerical analysis of energy yield and operational stability. Understanding and modelling of the optical, electrical and thermal mechanisms that interplay in tandem solar cells and influence their performance under realistic operating conditions is very important for successful optimization of the devices’ designs in order to achieve enhanced long-term energy production and stability.
Participating in the TAPAS project is a great opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills by working with two established research groups.