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Cluster Desposition Tool

To expand the synthesis capabilities of SiSSY@EMIL, a combined (PE)CVD, PVD, RIE cluster is available for a variety of deposition, pre-cleaning, and etching processes. Based on standard wafers up to 6-inch amorphous, nanocrystalline silicon films and related materials (e.g. SiNx, SiCx, SiOx) can be deposited at substrate temperatures up to 1200°C. Furthermore, the high deposition temperature allows for the growth of various carbon modifications, DLC, CNTs or graphene as well as SiNWs. For additional materials the PECVD chamber is equipped with a vapor delivery source for conformal growth of SiO2 or Al2O3. Pre-cleaning of substrates can be performed in the connected direct plasma RIE chamber. The RIE chamber uses flourine chemnistry for pre-cleaning or structuring and chlorine-based chemistry for metal structuring (future upgrade).

For 3D structuring of silicon, a combined Bosch- & cryogenic D-RIE system with inductively coupled plasma source is available. Finally, a variety of metals and metal-alloys can be deposited at temperatures up to 700°C using a confocal DC/RF-sputter system. Substrates can be loaded via standard wafer cassettes and the attached UHV transfer chamber allows direct access to the advanced analytics capabilities of the EMIL beamlines.