School Lab
Project Days at the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen Campus (BESSY II), Berlin-Adlershof
Project Days for Primary School Classes
Light and Colours

grade 5-6: 28 participants, 9 am till 1 pm
building of spectroscopes, dispersion of light, mixing light, functioning of the eye
Solar Energy Research

grade 5-6: 28 participants, 9 am till 1 pm
building of dye solar cells, experiments with solar cells, operation of an end consumer, determination of electrical parameters
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Material Research

grade 5-6: 28 participants, 9 am till 1 pm
properties of materials, structure of the matter, experiments with shape memory wire
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Project Days for Higher Grades
Interference and Diffraction

grade 11 and higher: 20 participants, 9 am tilll 3 pm
Wave characteristics of light, introduction into interference and diffraction, structural research with electromagnetic radiation
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Solar Energy Research

grade 7-8: 28 participants, 9 am till 1 pm
grade 9-10: 28 participants, 9 am till 2 pm
grade11-13: 28 participants, 9 am till 3 pm
building of dye solar cells, experiments with solar cells, operation of an end consumer, optional: determination of the current-voltage characteristic and the efficiency
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Material Research

grade 7-8: 28 participants, 9am till 1pm
grade 9-10: 28 participants, 9am till 2pm
grade 11-13: 28 participants, 9am till 11:30am or 12:30pm till 3pm
properties of materials, structure of the matter, experiments with shape memory alloys, optional: liquid cristals
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Material research with diffraction methods
from grade 11: 28 places, 9 am till 2.30 pm
Introduction to diffraction and interference, structural research with electromagnetic radiation, materials research with diffraction methods using the example of a shape memory alloy
In our school lab in Berlin-Adlershof pupils from different schools meet up once a week to research various topics of the natural sciences and technology under the guidance of one or more of our student assistants. There are two age groups: grades 5/6 and grades 7-10.
Project Days
Project days for the grades 5 to 13 can be booked through our online form. Due to the great demand we can only offer two dates per school and half of the school year. Dates are only available for the topics and grades listed in the online form.