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Expertise & Equipment

Lab-scaled solar cells

lab-scaled solar cells

The outdoor lab, since its inception in 2016, has been expanded and improvements were done in close collaboration with the University of Ljubljana.

Located on the roof of ZPV, we use the outdoor lab to test the entire range from lab solar cells (smaller than 1cm²) to industrial full-size modules. Many projects are related to perovskite and tandem industrialization, thus, to stability and reliability. All samples are mpp-tracked and measuring of a complete IV-curve is also possible. Additional sensors and our meteo station provide back surface temperature, ambient temperature, irradiation (Eg, Ehor, Ediff), spectrum (POA and inclined), humidity, air pressure and wind speed. The orientation of the PV cells and modules and of some of the sensors is flexible (currently we use South, tilted 35° and South 90° (BIPV), as well as East/West tilted 90°). The acquired data is analysed, published and can in many cases be shared on request.

PV Systems

pv systems

Our research in this field focuses on analyzing monitoring data through advanced statistical and machine learning algorithms. This comprehensive analysis includes data from solar panels and other components like inverters. By examining real-time data, it is possible to detect faults and other potential issues within the system early, allowing for timely interventions. Doing so, helps to prevent underperformance and lets us maintain the efficiency and reliability of PV systems.

By developing novel methods for fault detection that take advantage of the large amounts of data generated, we ensure that all components of a PV system are functioning at their best, providing sustainable and reliable energy solutions. Continuous analysis and improvement are key to our research, driving innovation in fault detection and system optimization.



Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is a broad field, which is characterized in particular by aesthetically designed solar module installations. Size, shape and color have a significant influence on the power output, as does a potential vertical orientation of the modules.

In order to investigate the influence of such characteristics and differences, several commercially available solar modules were installed in a 35° and 90° angle on the roof of a research building in Berlin-Adlershof. In addition to that, we are investigating combined PV and green façade solutions, as well as new ways of integrating solar modules into concrete façades. The picture shows our living lab for BIPV, which includes a 380m2 CIGS solar façade with blue-tinted modules that is being used to analyze critical aspects of BIPV installations like module temperature, rear ventilation and its combined influence on the solar modules. With a total of over 120 measuring points, it is a unique installation for analysing the complexity of façade-integrated solar modules in detail.

Energy System Design


Our future energy supply should be carbon neutral, affordable, and socially sustainable. But transforming the energy system is a complex process that not only involves innovative technologies, but also affects numerous societal actors.

Together with other Helmholtz institutions we are investigating ethical, social, political, economic, technological, and environmental aspects involved in this transition. As the Helmholtz organisation teams up with partners from the industrial sector, we create solutions that allow us to rapidly transfer our findings into applications with the goal to develop an integrated energy system where energy is stored and transported in various forms, intelligent distribution networks control the flow of energy, and consumers become energy producers and can even feed electricity into the network themselves. Read more about it at “Helmholtz Program Energy System Design (ESD)”.