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TCO Sputtering

As part of the Tandem Industrialization Group, cutting-edge research is being conducted on transparent conductive oxides (TCOs).
Multiple large-area sputter deposition systems are in operation, including in-line sputter deposition modules from VON ARDENNE, which support up to four cylindrical targets (600 mm length). These modules are integrated into the KOALA cluster tool, enabling seamless sample transfer without breaking vacuum. This setup facilitates the development of novel and advanced metal oxides for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells.

Current Research Focus

  • High-performance transparent front electrodes for perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells
  • Indium-free transparent conductive oxides
  • Sputter-deposited metal oxide charge transport layers
  • Low-damage sputter deposition techniques
  • Tunnel recombination junctions

For collaboration opportunities or further information, feel free to contact our group.