The UE49-PGM SPEEM beam line hosts a dedicated photo-electron emission microscope (PEEM) devoted to element-selective and magnetic-sensitive space resolved investigations. For a detailed description of the PEEM as well as for an overview of the experimental possibilities of our microscope, please visit the SPEEM (link in table below).

Beam line layout

Beam line layout

Station data
Temperature range 45 - 600 K
Pressure range 10-11 - 10-9 mbar
Weitere Details SPEEM
Beamline data
Segment L08
Location (Pillar) 9.2
Source UE49 (Elliptical Undulator)
Monochromator PGM
Energy range 100 - 1800 eV
Energy resolution 10000 at 700 eV
Flux 1011 - 1013 ph/s/100 mA
Polarisation variable
Divergence horizontal 2.3 mrad
Divergence vertical 0.79 mrad
Focus size (hor. x vert.) 20 μm X 10 μm at sample position
User endstation not possible
Distance Focus/last valve 500 mm
Height Focus/floor level 1379 mm
Beam availability 12h/d
Phone +49 30 8062 14750
Photon flux and resolution for Circ. Pol. light

Photon flux and resolution for Circ. Pol. light

Photon flux and resolution for Lin. Hor. light

Photon flux and resolution for Lin. Hor. light

Photon flux and resolution for Lin. Ver. light

Photon flux and resolution for Lin. Ver. light

At typical working conditions of the microscope the field of view is about 3 –10 µm. Therefore the highest possible photon flux within the field of view of the microscope is necessary in order to achieve high spatial resolution and maximize the collection efficiency. 

The UE49-PGM SPEEM beam line allows full polarization control of the incoming beam-delivering light of circular, elliptical and horizontal polarization- in combination with a high transmittance and a careful refocusing of the photon beam. A dedicated elliptical refocusing mirror has been designed to achieving a foot print of the incoming x-ray beam on the sample of 10 μm (vertical) X 20 μm (Horizontal).

The spectral range covered extends from 80 to 1800 eV, with a spectral resolution of 10000 at 700 eV. The photon flux delivered into the focused spot ranges from 10-11 to 10-13 ph/s/100 mA.