Test infrastructure for accelerator devices, superconducting radio-frequency systems and cryogenic applications
Particle accelerators address a very wide range of applications from particle physics to materials research as well as industrial and medical applications. Increasingly, superconducting radio-frequency systems (SRF) are the enabling technology for both large-scale and compact systems.
The SupraLab at HZB provides, at one location, the infrastructure suite and testing expertise for the entire SRF development chain from first superconducting sample analyses all the way through full SRF module operation.
Testing from sample to the full system: We support you during the entire development chain.
We offer test facilities for:
- RF characterization of samples as a function of temperature, frequency and RF field
- Magnetic flux trapping characterization in samples
- Single-cell/two-cell prototype cavity testing including special diagnostics
- Full vertical cavity testing without and with helium tank
- Dressed cavity testing (incl. helium tank, tuner, coupler, shields …)
- High-power RF coupler conditioning
- Virtual (S)RF cavity system for LLRF development and debugging
- SRF module testing (dependent on module type, operation starts 2024)
- Beam tests in the test accelerator facility bERLinPro (operation starts 2023/24, dependent on module type)
Opportunities for collaboration
The design and development of SRF systems is a lengthy process that requires qualification of subsystems at multiple stages. In many cases, extensive cryogenic, RF and radiation shielding infrastructure is required, and tests are time consuming and costly. The infrastructure is often beyond the means of research groups and industrial partners.
SupraLab at HZB funded by EFRE closes this gap and provides a suitable infrastructure for external partners and enterprises, especially SME’s, for the development of SRF components. (press release: HZB is setting up a new application laboratory)
Overview: State-of-the-art test facilities at SupraLab
Summary of test stands, RF sources and diagnostics offered by HZB. Black check marks indicate that the RF source is available at the stand. Gray check marks point out which sources in principle can be operated at a given test stand.
For more details please click pdf file overview supralab).