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Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials


The research in the working group Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials is devoted to the basic understanding of structure-property relations of materials for energy conversion. For structural investigations phase sensitive complementary diffraction methods using neutrons, synchrotron X-rays and conventional X-rays will be applied allowing a non-destructive analysis of the atomic structure from the sample surface up to deep within the sample volume in a unique way. The range of materials studied will cover synthetic as well as natural compounds (geomaterials).

For the structural analysis, we use complementary phase-sensitive diffraction methods: Neutron, synchrotron and conventional x-ray radiation. That makes it possible to analyze the atomic structure of the samples from the surface till the depths of the volume without any destruction of the material.

We are responsible to operate the X-Ray CoreLab at the campus Wannsee. Furthermore, we operate at the synchrotron radiation source BESSY II the end stations DIFFRACTION and XANES at the beamline KMC-2, the end station mySpot at the beamline mySpot, and the end station CryoEXAFS at the beamline KMC-3. Thus, we provide scientific and technical support to guests from national and international universities and research institutes, who visit HZB to use the unique opportunities of these analyzing tools for their own research.

Instrumentation and Laboratory


Lectures at FU Berlin
Graduate School "Materials for Solar Energy Conversion" (MatSEC)