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Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials

Projects and Teaching


Platform-ZERO - Achieving zero defect manufacturing for the photovoltaic industry

Perovskite semiconductors: From fundamental properties to devices (DFG SPP 2196)

Joint research FUB-HUJ: In-situ characterization of low bandgap halide perovskite FAPbI3

Joint research project of Free University Berlin und Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Completed projects:

  • Disruptive kesterites-based thin film technologies customised for challenging architectural and active urban furniture applications (CUSTOM-ART)
    9/2020 – 2/2024
  • International cooperation for the development of cost-efficient kesterite/c-Si thin film next generation solar cells (INFINITECELL)
    01.11.2017 – 31.10.2021
  • Advanced strategies for substitution of critical raw materials in photovoltaics (STARCELL)
    01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019
  • Helmholtz Virtuelles Institut "Microstructure Control for Thin‐Film Solar Cells"
    10/2012 - 06/2019
  • Training for sustainable low cost PV technologies: development of kesterite based efficient solar cells (KESTCELLS)
    01.10.2012 – 30.09.2016
  • Interface engeneering for kesterite thin film solar cells (INTERKEST)
    DAAD (PPP Spanien)
    01.01.2014 – 31.12.2015
  • International cooperative programm for photovoltaic kesterite based technologies (PVICOKEST)
    01.03.2011 – 28.02.2015
  • Diffusion in thin film settings – the role of inter-layer and intra-layer crystallographic orientation relations, texture and residual strain
    FOR 741 DFG
    01.01.2011 – 31.12.2013
  • Strukturelle und optoelektronische Analyse von Cu2Zn(Ge,Si)Se4 als neue Materialien für photovoltaische Anwendungen und Wasserstoffentwicklung aus Wasser
    BMBF (MDA 11/002)
    01.07.2011 – 30.07.2012


Lectures at Freie Universität Berlin

  • Modul Einführung in die Mineralogie/Kristallographie (WS: Vorlesung: Mittwoch 10:15 – 11:45 Uhr, Seminar: Mittwochs 12:00 – 13:30 Uhr und 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr, Geo-Campus Lankwitz, HS 3030) im BSc. Studiengang geologische Wissenschaften (german)
  • Modul Instrumentelle Analytik in Mineralogie / Petrologie: Grundlagen der Röntgenbeugung (SS: Blockkurs) im BSC. Studiengang geologische Wissenschaften (german)
  • Modul Einführung in die Röntgendiffraktometrie: Rietveldanalyse (SS: Blockkurs) im MCs. Studiengang geologische Wissenschaften (german)
  • Modul Geowissenschaftliche Materialforschung: geometrisch-strukturelle Kristallographie (SS: Blockkurs) im MSc. Studiengang geologische Wissenschaften (german)
  • Modern developments in X-Ray and Neutron Methods for Science and Technology for Master am Fachbereich Physik (Prof. A. Erko) (english)

Graduiertenschule "Materials for Solar Energy Conversion" (MatSEC)

MatSEC is a graduate school funded by Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie to establisch an innovative, interdisciplinary network for young researchers at FU Berlin, HU Berlin , TU Berlin, and BTU Cottbus. MatSEC is a member of Dahlem Research School (DRS), which provides a structured graduate education at Freie Universität Berlin.

Schools at the X-Ray CoreLab

  • X-Ray School: Introduction to fundamental experimental and analytic methods of X-ray diffraction (crystallography, data banks, diffraction on powders and thin films)
  • Advanced X-Ray School: Introduction to advanced experimental and analytic methods of X-ray powder diffraction (Rietveld method, phase analysis, microstructure analysis)