Solar Energy
The development of high-efficiency and cost-saving thin-film solar cells is in the focus of our fundamental research efforts. Compared to conventional cells based on Si-wafer technology, the thickness of light absorbing layers in thin-film cells is typically 100 times smaller. Such cells comprise novel materials, e.g., copper-indium-sulfide (CIS) and organic semiconductors, as well as already established absorbers such as silicon.
Fundamental research at the HZB aims at providing a solid knowledge-base of all processes that determine the function of solar cells, e.g., regarding the generation and transport of charges. Further targets include developing novel photovoltaic materials, cell architectures, and production processes. Researchers at the HZB are committed to employ new fundamental knowledge for realizing prototype next-generation solar cells to enable innovative technologies in cooperation with industry partners.
HZB's Solar Energy Division is looking for young scientific talents to complement and enforce the Division's research activities. We therefore support Young Investigator Group (YIG) applications. Currently, we are very interested in strengthening our Division in the following areas: Materials research and development on new classes of materials for PV applications or other optoelectronic devices, such as - but not limited to -
- Antimony chalcogenides
- Ternary nitrides/phosphides
- Chalcogenide perovskites
We look forward to receiving your (YIG) application!
To enquire more details please contact the Division Spokespersons:
Prof. Rutger Schlatmann:
Prof. Marcus Bär (deputy):
see also : Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups - apply now

Solar energy research uses a broad spectrum of technical facilities. It co-operates with various institutes and industrial companies. The goal is to offer a scientific and technological response to the growing demands and challenges of business globalisation.