Joint Research Group - SyncLab
Joint research group
The joint research group “SyncLab” has been established between the HZB and the Technical University of Berlin. At BLiX (Berlin laboratory for innovative X-ray technologies) located at Technical University of Berlin established imaging and spectroscopic techniques in the soft and hard X-ray range are developed in order to be performed independent on large scale facilities. Due to the invariably less photon flux when using laboratory sources, the work spans development of adapted instrumentation, to specialized experimental methodology and analytics. This expertise is now paired with the possibilities offered by a large scale facility such as BESSY II in order to analyze synergies and identify advantages brought by close collaboration and cross-fertilization.

Knowledge and technology transfer from the synchrotron to the laboratory and back within joint projects is envisioned. In a first step, the concept will be evaluated with near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy in the soft X-ray region with a special emphasis on the transient investigation of organic molecules. In the future additional analytical and imaging X-ray techniques such as soft X-ray microscopy of biological samples, X-ray fluorescence for the investigation of dental specimens or EXAFS for catalytically active materials can follow. Thus, a wide range of user communities and application fields will benefit from such combined efforts through the development of novel methodology and workflows.