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Department Optics and Beamlines


HZB operates around 40 beamlines at its large-scale research facility BESSY II. The beamlines guide the synchrotron beam from its source in the storage ring to the experiment at the end of the beamline in the storage ring hall. The beam is thereby adapted to the respective experimental method. Important beam parameters are focus size and beam divergence, as well as photon flux, energy resolution and energy range. Ideally, the light source, beamline and experimental method form an optimal unit.

The Optics and Beamlines Department focuses most of its work on the design, construction and initial commissioning of new beamlines and X-ray optical systems, as well as the ex-situ and in-situ measurement of optics. To this purpose, the department performs its own research and development, which flows into new and existing beamlines, the support and maintenance of which is the responsibility of other departments and institutes of the HZB. The department also sees itself as a central consulting center for all beamline operators who are planning major maintenance, repair or reconstruction projects on their beamlines.

The department is particularly involved in the ROCK-IT, BESSY II+ and BESSY III projects. It is also driving forward the digitalization with the topics “Digital Twin”, “FAIR data” and data analysis & control using artificial intelligence.

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