Science and innovation for a climate-neutral society
We investigate and develop complex materials that help to overcome challenges such as the energy transition and resource scarcity and secure our prosperity in the long term. We focus on materials for a reliable energy supply in the future, for example new types of solar cells, innovative battery solutions and catalytically active materials to produce green hydrogen as an energy storage medium and raw material. We are also researching highly efficient quantum materials for future information technologies.
At HZB, we are investigating how the macroscopic characteristics of materials are created and which microscopic structures and processes are responsible for this. This expertise is a fundamental prerequisite for developing materials with customised properties and functionalities.

Materials research - sustainable and climate-neutral energy materials for society
As part of the strategic research funding (POF) of the Helmholtz Association, the HZB involved in the Helmholtz Research Fields ENERGY, MATTER & INFORMATION.
Very relevant topics are also teaching and promoting young scientific talents and the intensification of research collaborations, in particular with universities.