Board of Directors
Scientific Director
Prof. Dr. Bernd Rech
Bernd Rech is the scientific manager of HZB and responsible for the divisions Energy, Information and Matter. Since 2006, Rech had headed the Institute for Silicon Photovoltaics before taking over the provisional management in 2017. He is the spokesperson for “Renewable Energies” since 2008, and coordinates the contributions in energy research of the Helmholtz centres. Prior to this, he worked at Forschungszentrum Jülich and was a guest professor at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. Rech is highly respected internationally as an expert in renewable energies and technology transfer.
Director Finance and Administration
Thomas Frederking
Thomas Frederking ist the director for Finance and Administration of HZB since 2012. Among other positions was head of project controlling at the “Berliner Elektronenspeicherring Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung – BESSY” for the construction of the synchrotron radiation source BESSY II in Berlin-Adlershof from 1993 – 1998, following which he became the administrative director of BESSY GmbH until 2008.