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Young Investigator Groups

Promotion and strategic support of young investigator groups

Young Investigator Groups

Young Investigator Groups are an important building block in HZB's organization plan. These innovative groups are led by outstanding scientists and drive research forward with novel topics. On the other hand, they benefit from HZB researchers with extensive experience and can participate in various training programmes. After a positive evaluation, young investigator group leaders are given a permanent contract.

If you would like to apply for a young investigator group or would like to know whether you fulfil the criteria, please contact Dr. Cécile Dufloux first. She coordinates the internal selection of candidates who would like to apply for a junior research group.

Once established at the centre, the junior research group leaders are supported by Cécile Dufloux.

This includes, among others:

  • Annual meeting with the management
  • Preparation of the interim evaluation
  • Support with administrative processes

Funding Organisations

Young investigator groups can be acquired through various funding organisations.

Helmholtz Investigator Groups

This programme aims to attract the best internationally and nationally recognised researchers (academic age from 2 to 6 years) for a first leadership position in science. It offers Helmholtz junior research group leaders the opportunity to establish their own independent research group at a Helmholtz centre. This programme is for HZB-external candidates only. The deadline for the HZB pre-selection procedure is 20 February.

Emmy Noether-Programme of DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

The Emmy Noether-Programme gives outstandingly qualified young scientists the opportunity to qualify for a university professorship by independently leading a junior research group over a period of six years. Postdocs at an early stage of their scientific career can apply for the programme.

ERC Starting Grant

The ERC Starting Grants (1.5 million euros over a maximum of five years, + max. 1 million euros additionally under special conditions) are aimed at outstanding young researchers (academic age from 2 to 7 years, e.g. credit periods for childcare or illness) who are at the beginning of an independent scientific career in Europe and would like to set up their own working group or have already set one up and would like to establish it in the longer term. 

HZB internal deadline: End of April (i.e. approx. 5 months before the EU ERC application deadline; approx. September/October).

"BattFutur" - Junior Research Groups Battery Research

In the ‘BattFutur’ competition, the BMBF supports early career scientists (2-5 years after PhD) in starting their own research group in the field of battery technology. The aim of the funding initiative is to create the best possible starting conditions for young scientists in Germany. Funding (EUR 2.15 mio over 5 years)) is provided for innovative and interdisciplinary research work in the field of application-oriented basic research with a recognisable industrial connection. They provide new impetus for innovative applications in battery technologies.