- Our research at a glance
- User Facilities
- Institutes, departments
- Solar Energy
- Solar Energy Seminar
- PVcomB
- Interface Design
- Optics for Solar Energy
- Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials
- Spins in Energy Conversion and Quantum Information Science
- Active Materials and Interfaces for Stable Perovskite Solar Cells
- Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
- Solution-Processes for Hybrid Materials and Devices
- Robotized Optoelectronic Material and Photovoltaic Engineering
- Generative Manufacturing Processes
- Hybride Material Systems
- Informationen des Bereichs (intern) (ger)
- Chemical Energy
- Solar Fuels
- Nanospectroscopy
- Electrochemical Energy Storage
- Microstructure and residual stress analysis
- Materials Chemistry for Catalysis
- Nanoscale Operando CO2 Photo-Electrocatalysis
- Dynamic Electrocatalytic Interfaces
- Electrochemical Conversion
- Electrocatalysis: Synthesis to Devices
- Oxygen Evolution Mechanism Engineering
- Nanoscale Solid-Liquid Interfaces
- Catalysis for Energy
- Operando Battery Analysis
- Solar Fuels
- Quantum and Functional Materials
- Functional Oxides for Energy Efficient IT
- Quantum Phenomena in Novel Materials
- Dynamics and Transport in Quantum Materials
- Spin and Topology in Quantum Materials
- Research groups
- JointLab BiBer
- Research topics
- Methods and instrumentation for MML: ARPES, PEEM and vector magnet based methods
- Controlling spin-dependent phenomena
- Graphene for spintronics
- Magnetic nanostructures
- Interface-induced room-temperature multiferroicity in BaTiO3
- High spin polarization measured from a topological surface state
- Robustness of topological surface state against magnetic moments: Fe on Bi2Se3
- Correlation effects in the spin-dependent electronic structure of iron, cobalt and nickel
- Instrumentation and contact
- Staff
- Publications
- Projects
- Highlights
- ARPES Manipulator S6.Cryo
- Synchrotron Radiation for Quantum Technology
- Hitchhiker's guide
- Theory of Novel Quantum Materials
- MaXRay: Magnetism and Coherent X-Ray Imaging
- Theory of Electron Dynamics and Spectroscopy
- Informationen des Bereichs (intern) (ger)
- Photon Science
- Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research
- Join Us! Research Opportunities
- Team Members and Guests
- Publications
- Our Experiments: Stations and Beamlines
- Uppsala Berlin joint Lab on Next Generation Electron Spectroscopy UBjL
- Materials Functionality with meV Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering meVRIXS
- Molecular Energy Science with resonant inelastic X-ray scattering METRIXS
- Impurity level X-ray Absorption and Emission on molecules and materials with AXSYS
- Excited State Dynamics with MHz optical excitation and Heisenberg RIXS
- Completed/Current PhDs, Professorships, Awards
- Third Party Funding/Cooperations
- Electronic Structure Dynamics
- Atomic-Scale Dynamics in Light-Energy Conversion
- Highly Sensitive X-ray Spectroscopy
- X-ray microscopy
- Macromolecular Crystallography
- Team
- MX News
- Beamlines and Experimental Stations
- MX Remote Access
- Laboratories & Ancillary Facilities
- Fragment screening
- HZB MX Software Developments
- X-ray Tutorial
- Joint Berlin MX-Laboratory
- Inauguration
- First Joint Berlin MX-day
- Second Joint Berlin MX-day
- Third Joint Berlin MX-day
- Fourth Joint Berlin MX-day
- Fifth Joint Berlin MX-day
- Sixth Joint Berlin MX-day
- Seventh Joint Berlin MX-day
- Eighth Joint Berlin MX-day
- Ninth Joint Berlin MX-day
- Tenth Joint Berlin MX-day
- Eleventh Joint Berlin MX-day
- Publications and Structures
- Combined X-ray methods at BLiX and BESSY II - SyncLab
- Ultrafast Dynamics
- Photon Science division (internal)
- Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research
- Accelerators
- Scientific Instrumentation and Support
- Solar Energy
- Collaborations
- HZB Publications
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- Industry
- Contact
- Learn more about cooperation
- Our offer per industrial sector
- Service - from laboratory use to research cooperation
- Our expertise and techniques
- Radiography
- Tomography
- Transmission electron microscopy
- Residual stress diffraction
- Reflectometry
- Small angle diffraction
- Cathode material characterisation using EXAFS & XANES
- Thermoelectric materials RIXS
- Optimization of material surfaces using XPS
- Irradiation
- Magnetization, conductivity, polarization
- Processing, production, preparation
- Supralab
- Machine Learing Algorithms for PV devices (en)
- Method, computer program, and system for determining transport properties of majority and minority charge carriers (en)
- Temperature controlled spin coating process
- Liquid Phase Crystallization of Silicon on Insulators (en)
- Novel Room Temperature Surface Treatment for Metal Oxides & TCOs
- Outdoor test & monitoring platform for laboratory and industry‐scale solar modules
- Industrial examples
- CoreLabs - Central laboratories.
- Success stories
- Overview News
- Events
- About us
- Projects
- Decommissioning and Dismantling
- bERLinPro
- Betriebssport (ger)
- Übungsbetrieb (ger)
- Firmenläufe (ger)
- Sportabzeichen (ger)
- Amtliches (ger)
- Abteilungen (ger)
- Events (ger)
- Berichte vergangener Begegnungen (ger)
- 16. Atomiade 2018 (ger)
- Betriebssport-EM 2017 (ger)
- 1. Betriebssport-WM 2016 (ger)
- 15. Atomiade 2015 (ger)
- 11. Winter-Atomiade 2011 (ger)
- 13. Atomiade 2009 in Berlin (HZB) (ger)
- 11. ATOMIADE 2003 (ger)
- 8. Winter-ATOMIADE 2002 (ger)
- 10. ATOMIADE 2000 (ger)
- 7. Winter-ATOMIADE 1999 (ger)
- 9. ATOMIADE 1997 (ger)
- Kommende Begegnungen (ger)
- Berichte vergangener Begegnungen (ger)
- CatLab – Catalysis Laboratory
- European photocathode community
- Gemäldeforschung (ger)
- Helmholtz Excellence Network SolarMath
- Helmholtz Virtual Institutes
- Hercules
- Landessammelstelle Berlin (ZRA) (ger)
- Machine Advisory Committee
- Proton therapy
- PVcomB - Home
- School lab
- Tailored Disorder
- Priority programme 1839
- Projects
- Tailoring diffusive transport of light
- Photonic Topological Materials with Disorder
- Tailoring disorder in functional optical materials
- Photonic crystal fibers with disordered claddings
- Disordered photonic structures in organic microlasers
- Holography based disordered structures for tailored scattering
- Scattering Interfaces with Tailored Disorder
- Design of Structural and Chemical Disorder in Metal Oxide Thin Films
- Light management by disordered nano-structures for optoelectronic devices
- Light-path engineering in disordered waveguiding systems
- Designing correlation functions of disorder in complex nanostructures
- Broadband reflecting fibers with tailored structures inspired by desert ants
- Control of scattering interaction in disordered two-dimensional arrangements
- Fluctuation-dominated materials for advanced photonics
- Conferences
- Contact
- Participant (password)
- TFPV-Nanostructures
- Fachinformatiker (ger)