Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials
4th Advanced X-ray Diffraction School at HZB LMC, 19 - 23 May 2025
Welcome to information webpage of the
4th Advanced X-Ray Diffraction School at HZB LMC
The Advanced School will cover the following topics:
- Symmetry in Crystallography (crystallographic space groups, International Tables)
- Crystal structure databases and powder pattern simulation
- Visualisation of crystal structures
- Whole powder pattern fitting of thin film diffraction data
- Crystal structure refinement
- Multiphase refinement and phase quantification
- Single crystal structure analysis
- Microstructure analysis
For further details, please refer to the -> detailed school program.
Please note:
- The school will take place in seminar room PT104 LMC, number of available places is therefore limited.
- If demand is greater than the number of places we can offer, allocation will be made on basis of individual scientific case.
- You will work with your own notebook. Software will be provided.
- The general school times are Monday to Thursday 10:00 - 16:30, Friday 10:00 - 15:00.
- Since lectures and exercises are coordinated with each other full participation on all days is mandatory.
Registration form for Advanced X-ray School:
If you are interested in participating in the Advanced X-Ray Diffraction School please send a registration mail with a brief statement until
+++ 31 March 2025 +++
to michael.tovar at .
with subject "Advanced X-ray School"
Thank you!