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Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials

Working Group Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials
Denomination of persons is voluntary, therefore the list may not be complete.
Head of Department |
Schorr, Prof. Dr. Susan | 8062 - 42317 8062 - 14802 | susan.schorr@helmholtz-berlin.de | Head of working group |
Deputy Head of Department |
Többens, Dr. Daniel | 8062 - 43296 8062 - 18125 | daniel.toebbens@helmholtz-berlin.de | Beamline responsible KMC-2, Instrumentwissenschaftler KMC-2 DIFFRACTION |
Office Email: SE-ASD-office@helmholtz-berlin.de |
Staff and Guests |
Abou-Ras, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Daniel | 8062 - 43218 | daniel.abou-ras@helmholtz-berlin.de | Research associate |
Akhundova, Fatima | | | PhD student (HI-SCORE) |
Gurieva, Dr. Galina | 8062 - 43096 8062 - 42363 | galina.gurieva@helmholtz-berlin.de | Research associate |
Hempel, Dr. Hannes | 8062 - 42235 | hannes.hempel@helmholtz-berlin.de | Post-Doc |
Hoell, Dr. Armin | 8062 - 14678 | hoell@helmholtz-berlin.de | Research associate ASAXS |
Manzoni, Dr. Anna | | anna.manzoni@helmholtz-berlin.de | |
Palacios Saura, Ana | 8062 - 43393 | ana.palacios_saura@helmholtz-berlin.de | PhD student (HI-SCORE) |
Rusu, Dr. Marin | 8062 - 42604 | rusu@helmholtz-berlin.de | Research associate |
Schuck, Dr. Götz | 8062 - 14802 8062 - 43296 | goetz.schuck@helmholtz-berlin.de | Instrumentwissenschaftler KMC-2 XANES, KMC-3 CryoEXAFS |
Schwiddessen, Rene | 8062 - 42161 | rene.schwiddessen@helmholtz-berlin.de | Assistent X-Ray CoreLab (LMC) |
Steinkopf, Lars | 8062 - 42890 | lars.steinkopf@helmholtz-berlin.de | Technician |
Tomm, Dr. Yvonne | 8062 - 42539 | tomm@helmholtz-berlin.de | Research associate |
Tovar, Dr. Michael | 8062 - 42768 | tovar@helmholtz-berlin.de | Research associate X-Ray CoreLab (LMC) |
Unold, Dr. Thomas | 8062 - 42048 | unold@helmholtz-berlin.de | Research associate |
Zizak, Dr. Ivo | 8062 - 12127 | zizak@helmholtz-berlin.de | Beamline responsible mySpot |