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Öffnet externe Seite in neuem Fenster
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Department Interface Design
Department Interface Design
Scientific Infrastructure for Users
Current Projects
- Clint (DFG) - Catalysis at liquid interfaces
- VIPERLAB (Viperlab Extern) (EU Horizon) - Perovskite research for PV-technology
- CARE-O-SENE (BMBF) - Catalyst research for sustainable kerosene
- GreenQUEST (BMBF) - Greening the production and use of liquefied fuel gas in Southern Africa
- CatLab (BMBF) - Thin-film catalysts for sustainable chemistry with renewable energies
- SITA (EU Horizon) - Stable inorganic tandem solar cell with superior device efficiency and increased durability
- Incubator (NSF-DFG) - Exploring the interfacial chemistry in sulfide-based solid-state batteries by soft and hard X-ray spectroscopies at operating conditions
- StoreAGE (EU Horizon) - Surface and interface phenomena ins sustainable energy storage systems
- Alsatian (ANR-DFG) - Advancing halide perovskite solar cells by functional interlayers
- TEAM PV (BMBF) - Transatlantic alliance of excellence for PV innovation
- RISEnergy (EU Horizon) - Research infrastructure services for renewable energy

Energy Materials In-situ Laboratory Berlin (EMIL)