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School and tertiary studies

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Are you fascinated by energy and materials, and want to join the fight against the climate crisis? Are you interested in how scientific research can help solve the big problems of today? Have you always wanted to know what it’s like to work at a large research institute? Do you want to become acquainted with an organisation that values and promotes both ecological and socioeconomic sustainability?

Then HZB is perfect for you!

We offer you many opportunities for getting started at HZB – as a trainee in IT, Engineering and Administration, during a sandwich course or summer studies, or at our School Lab. You can learn more about what we offer on the following pages.

Of course, you can also start working here as a student assistant, for example, while you develop ideas for your bachelor’s or master’s thesis and find support from a supervisor. You will find more information on our job posting site or on the pages of the individual departments and institutes themselves.