User Lab Cluster
HZB hosts a number of state-of-the-art on-site laboratories, user facilities and off-synchrotron tools for sample preparation and sample characterisation. All these facilities are designed to serve researchers from universities, foreign research institutions and industry. Prerequisite for the use of these User Lab Cluster is an application for beamtime at the synchrotron radiation source BESSY II.
Please get in contact with your INSTRUMENT SCIENTIST or the USER COORDINATION for more detailed information.
User Labs@HZB Wannsee
- DEGAS - GasLab
- 3D Data Analytics Lab
- Micro-CT Lab
- Crystallography Lab (preparation and characterization)
- Bulk Properties Lab (former LaMMB)
User Labs@HZB Adlershof
Joint Research Groups
Some User Labs are located at the Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee. Users may use the HZB shuttle service to access these facilities.