HZB User Committee
The HZB User Committee collects feedback on matters of concern to individual users working at BESSY II, conveys an assessment summary of this feedback and suggests appropriate measures to the Scientific Directors. Members are elected annually at the HZB User Meeting.
For a full description of the Committee's role, see the Statutes of the HZB User Committee.
The HZB User Committee would like to encourage users to comment on topics that are currently being discussed within the panel, and between panel members and the HZB management. Feedback on these issues can be an important factor in decision-making.
The HZB User Committee can be contacted by EMAIL.
Dr. Volodymyr Bon

Technische Universität Dresden
Anorganische Chemie I
Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Prof. Dr. Justin W. Wells

University of Oslo
Department of Physics
Postboks 1048
0316 Oslo
Member of Research@BESSY board

Prof. Dr. Eva Kovacevic
CNRS/Université d'Orléans
14 rue d'Issoudun, BP 6744
45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France