
Code of Conduct
Our actions are based on the core values of openness, reliability, respect, diversity, integrity, and commitment. We have formulated these values together as a Code of Conduct and as an overarching body of rules. This is a component of the compliance management system of HZB.
Compliant conduct is a prerequisite for trustworthy and secure cooperation within HZB and with our external partners. The Code of Conduct provides an overview of the most important rules at HZB and names contacts for their respective subject matters. It serves to provide orientation with respect to legally compliant and responsible action, and summarises the expectations of HZB for the conduct of all managers and employees in relation to our values and rules.
The Code of Conduct covers topics including, among others, societal and social responsibility, respect, equal opportunities and diversity, leadership culture, and cooperation with the works council. Other core topics include occupational safety, environmental protection and sustainability, compliance, and the rules of Good Scientific Practice, as well as privacy and IT security.
Our standards can be found in The Code of Conduct.

Good Scientific Practice
All staff members active in the sciences at HZB are obligated to make the Rules of Good Scientific Practise the foundation of their scientific activity. In this regard, the HZB has formulated and passed the mandatory „Rules of good scientific practice and procedure in event of improper scientific behaviour“.
The HZB rules build upon the extensive recommendations of the DFG that not only specify how scientific work must be thoroughly performed and presented, but also emphasise responsible advising, education, and training of junior scientists.
The HZB rules comprise
- General rules of good scientific practise
- Actions for avoiding improper scientific behaviour
- Definition of improper scientific behaviour
- Procedure in event of improper scientific behaviour
- Consequences of improper scientific behaviour
The Ombudspersons play an important roll in dealing with possible instances of improper scientific behaviour. They are the initial contact point (ombudsperson(AT) in cases where improper scientific behaviour is suspected. Persons from different scientific areas of the HZB have been appointed in order to avoid conflict of interest or the possible appearance of bias.
Contact Persons

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
At Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), we combine cutting-edge research with the operation of modern, complex infrastructures, which we also make available to the national and international research community and to industry. As a research institution of public interest and a publicly financed company, we are aware of our social responsibility and our role model function. We bear responsibility towards society, our donors, employees, business and co-operation partners and the environment.
Responsible, sustainable and lawful behaviour is part of HZB's value system. In particular, this includes appropriate compliance with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
In accordance with the LkSG verbindliche Grundsätze we have formulated binding principles that govern our actions.

For us, research, innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. We are committed to our social and ecological responsibility. HZB has therefore set itself the goal of becoming greenhouse gas neutral by 2035.

We promote equality between women and men and see this as an important prerequisite for excellent science. Women and men must be given the same opportunities. We are actively committed to this
We work under the equal opportunities implementation agreement (Ausführungsvereinbarung Gleichstellung, in German) for research funded jointly by the German federal and the state ministries, which is in turn based on the federal equal opportunities law (Bundesgleichstellungsgesetz).
This implementation agreement is adapted for the HZB (ger) and agreed with its funding agencies. It provides rules for the election of equal opportunities commisioners, the aims of our work, our rights of information and involvement in processes etc. It is complemented by a Gender Equality Plan which contains current statistics, target quotas for women in science, as well as measures to implement the targets.

At HZB, we encourage and value the diversity of our employees. We cultivate appreciative and respectful relations with each other, to give all employees room to develop their strengths.

Innovation und Transfer
Overview: Innovation and Transfer
Transfer has a high priority at HZB. We make sure our results benefit society. Our research infrastructures are available to users from industry. In addition, we provide advice to experts and decisionmakers and obtain licences for inventions.