Department Proton Therapy
Department Proton Therapy
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) and the Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin have been jointly carrying out proton therapy of eye tumours since June 1998. The facility at HZB is unique for Germany. More than 4.800 patients from all over Germany and neighbouring countries have been treated at HZB so far. The success speaks for itself: in more than 97% of cases, the tumour can be completely destroyed. In most cases, not only the eye but also the vision is preserved to a satisfactory degree.
Please also visit the Charité's information pages on eye tumour therapy.

Measurement guests can use the accelerators and the cobalt source for irradiations, e.g. for radiation hardness tests or radiobiology.
Our scientific interests lie in the further development of the accelerators, beam delivery and dosimetry.