BER II: Dialogue on the path to dismantling

Characteristic blue glow of the reactor core © HZB/S. Welzel
3,000 operating hours per year, the research reactor BER II delivered neutrons for research – for four long decades. In December 2019, the research instrument was shut down forever. Now, the facility is being decommissioned. Ultimately, BER II will be dismantled, once the corresponding approvals have been given.
The preparations for dismantling, and the project of dismantling BER II itself, are under the attentive scrutiny of the public eye. Greatest care, strict observation of all safety regulations, and as little impact on the environment are just a few of the things that citizens are demanding of HZB. In order to learn about these demands in detail and, if possible, to incorporate them into the dismantling plans, HZB has initiated a dialogue process.
Further information and documents on the dialogue procedure.