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Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials

Instrumentation and Laboratory

Instrumentation at BESSY II

CryoEXAFSCryoEXAFSGötz Schuck
KMC-2 DiffractionKMC-2 DiffractionDaniel Többens
mySpotMicro-XANES, -EXAFS, -fluorescenceIvo Zizak

X-Ray CoreLab

The laboratory operates instruments for various X-Ray diffraction methods at HZB locations Adlershof (WCR) and Wannsee (LMC) and makes them available to all interested co-workers of HZB as well as for guests.

Website: X-Ray CoreLab


Laboratory for crystallographic materials research for solar energy conversion

  • synthesis of powder reference samples of chalcogenide compound semiconductors by solid state reaction (fig. 1)
  • synthesis of single crystals of novel PV materials (fig.2)
  • synthesis of hybrid-perovskites
  • chemical analysis of the synthesized material by WDX spectroscopy using an electron microprobe system
    (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Institute of Geological Sciences)
  • basic structural analysis of the synthesized materials by X-ray powder diffraction
enlarged view

Fig. 1: left: sealing of evacuated silica tubes; middle: elements loaded into a graphite boat within a silica tube; right: synthesis in a 1-zone furnace

Various synthesised single crystals - enlarged view

Fig. 2: MAPbBr3 single crystals, grown from solution (left) and defect adamantine CuAlSnS4 (center) and CuGaGeS4, both grown by chemical vapour transport (CVT)

UV-Vis laboratory

At the UV-Vis laboratory, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements in the ultra-violet and visible spectrum are done. For this a Perkin Elmer Lambda 750S equipped with a “praying mantis” stage, specifically designed for the measurements of powders with low signal is available, with sample holders for small and very small amounts of powder.

Instruments in the UV-Vis laboratory - enlarged view

Figures: Perkin Elmer Lambda 750S (left), "Praying mantis" stage (center), two types of powder holders (right)

Optical Microscopy

A modern optical microscope Keyence VHX970 with Objective ZS 20 x 100 is mostly used for the selection of individual high-quality single crystals suitable for further analysis.

microscopy - enlarged view

Figure: Optical microscope Keyence VHX970 (left), Ag2FeSnS4 surrounded by SnS2 single crystals (center), Sb2Se3 polycrystalline bulk (right)