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Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials

Program of the 4th Advanced X-ray Diffraction School

Program of the 4th Advanced X-ray Diffraction School

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4th Advanced X-ray Diffraction School 19 - 23 May 2025, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

MONDAY, 19.05.

  • Advanced Crystallography I:
    Symmetry and classification + excercise

  • Advanced Crystallography II:
    Crystallographic space groups and International Tables (Vol. A)

  • Simulating X-ray powder pattern using FIZ-ICSD database 

TUESDAY, 20.05.

  • Quiz (Online)
    Advanced crystallography

  • Visualising crystal structures with Diamond 4:
    Introduction and guided excercise

  • Le Bail refinement of thin film GI-XRD data

  • Introduction into texture analysis


  • Introduction to crystal structure refinement (Rietveld analysis):
    History, basic idea and procedure

  • Guided excercise in Rietveld analysis:
    Detailed view to input and output files

  • Rietveld analysis of given patterns

THURSDAY, 22.05.

  • Multiphase refinement and quantitative phase analysis 

  • Short course: Single crystal analysis with Bruker Kappa Apex-II

    School Get-together
    (5 p.m.)

FRIDAY, 23.05.

  • Introduction into microstructure analysis:
    Lecture and guided exercises

  • Quiz, feedback and closing

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