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Institute Science and Technology of Accelerating Systems

Institute Projects

BE-IAS is involved in several projects funded by BMBF, EU and Helmholtz.  These projects cover many aspects from basic R&D (e.g., NOVALIS) to full system construction (e.g., VSR Demo). Generally these projects involve scientists and engineers from several groups in BE-IA and the accelerator division as a whole.

  • Novalis  aims at significantly reducing the operational power losses of SRF cavities, while also increasing the accelerating field beyond 50 MV/m.

  • SuperSurfer  (approval pending) to develop Nb3Sn films on copper using the "bronze route" (approval pending).

  • iFAST

  • iSAS

  • VSR Demo

  • Harmonic cavity design for BESSY II

  • bERLinPro/SEALab