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Department Spin and Topology in Quantum Materials


Elettra synchrotron

Please note that starting from July 2nd, 2025 the removal of Elettra and the installation of the new Elettra 2.0 machine will begin. The new source will exhibit a major increase in the brilliance and coherence fraction of the photon beams. The Elettra 2.0 optics is based on our enhanced symmetric six bend achromat structure (S6BA-E) with a 12-fold symmetry and an emittance of 200 pm-rad at 2.4 GeV. The new structure creates also straight sections in the arcs permitting the installation of additional insertion devices, thus increasing the number of beamlines. Existing beamlines are being upgraded and new beamlines will be installed to take full advantage of the characteristics of Elettra 2.0. The new machine is scheduled for commissioning in the second half of 2026.

For more information please check the web page.

User Access

Typical deadlines: twice a year in March and September for standard proposals for beamtime in the period ca. 6 months later.

Help on writing a good proposal and the proposal template 

Contact for users from quantum technology


Instruments especially suited for quantum technology research




STXM, Ptychography, XRF

Low-Energy ARPES


TwinMic Microscope combines in a single instrument two operation modes (Full-field Imaging and Scanning Transmission mode) with easy switch between them.

High flux, high energy resolution, and horizontal-vertical linear polarization for high resolution ARPES experiment sin the low photon energy regime.

Wide range of complimentary methods provide structural, chemical and magnetic sensitivity with lateral resolution nearing ten nanometers

·Energy range: 400-2200 eV
·STXM: sub-100 nm spatial resolution
·Ptychography: sub-30 nm spatial resolution
·Simple specimen preparation lab


·Energy Range: 4.6 – 40 eV
·Temperature range: 5-400 K
·Enhanced bulk sensitivity
·The availability of photon energies below 15 eV is unique for ARPES beamline


·Energy range: 25 - 1000 eV
·Microspot diffraction techniques: μ-LEED, μ-ARUPS, μ-ARPES, μ-EELS, μ-XPD
·Microspot spectroscopy techniques: μ-ARUPS, μ-ARPES, μ-XPD, μ-LEED, μ-EELS
·Lateral resolution: 10 nm in LEEM, 30 nm in XPEEM



NanoESCA APE-LE Spectromicroscopy


ARPES, spin-ARPES, shallow core XPS, Fermi surface mapping/ tomography

microARPES, Scanning Time Angle Resolved - Photoemission Electron Microscopy

Instrument explores the interrelations between electronic structure and physical properties like magnetism and magnetic phenomena, e.g. by applying synchrotron radiation techniques such as XMCD, XPEEM, photoelectron momentum mapping.

Facility for spectroscopic investigation of solid surfaces and nanostructured matter where a number of spectroscopic techniques is coupled with sophisticated off-line preparation/growth and characterization tools.

The unique microscope designed for studies of the local band structure of the materials

·Energy range: 5-1000 eV
·Temperature range: 30-400 K
·XMCD, XPEEM, photoelectron momentum mapping
·Energy Range: 10-100 eV
·Temperature range: 15-300 K
·Polarization: horizontal, vertical, circular ±
·Coupled with off-line tools: PLD/MBE, atomically resolved STM, LEED-Auger, magneto-optical Kerr effect
·Energy Range: 20-310 eV
·Temperature range: 15-470 K
·Energy and angular resolutions: down to 14 meV and 0.150°
·Smallest achievable spot size: 0.5 µm FWHM

Free Electron laser Radiation for Multidisciplinary Investigations (FERMI)

User Access

Access scheme: call for proposals in June/Nov.


Help on writing a good proposal and the proposal template 

Contact for users from quantum technology


Instruments especially suited for quantum technology research



T-ReX Facility (Lab)


Coherent Diffraction Imaging (CDI), Resonant Coherent Diffraction Imaging (R-CDI)

Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission (TR-ARPES), Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy (TR-OS)

THz fluence dependent spectroscopy, THz-pump/NIR-probe, THz-pump/THz-probe, THz irradiation

The single-shot CDI speckle pattern formed by the short femtosecond FERMI-FEL pulse is an excellent probe to monitor the evolution of the transient states of the sample. Resonant CDI at the atomic absorption edges in a single-shot mode adds elemental sensitivity, while combination with circular or linear polarization, extends the information to spin and orbital momentum.

•(linear and circular) polarization
•plane static magnetic field (up to ±35 mT)

For both TR-ARPES and TR-OS different setups are offered with various pump and probe energies, repetition rate, time resolution, spot size, probe polarization.

·TR-OS temperature range: down to 4 K, or up to 470 K
·TR-ARPES endstation:
-6-axis cryo-manipulator
-temperatures down to 35 K
-diverse types of in situ sample preparation


Ultrashort (100's fs) pulses in the multi THz range with MV/cm electric fields and Tesla magnetic fields.

·THz fluence dependent spectroscopy: saturable absorption and harmonics generation
·THz-pump/NIR-probe (780 or 1560 nm): coupling of the THz degrees of freedom with higher energy excitations
·THz-pump/THz-probe: dynamical evolution of the THz spectrum
·THz irradiation: THz field-induce irreversible changes in matter