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Young Investigator Group Electrochemical Conversion


Head of Young Investigator Group
Mayer, Dr. Matthew 8062 - 43230 group leader
Deputy Head of Young Investigator Group
Office   Email: CE-NECC-office@helmholtz-berlin.de
Guerra, Mirjam 8062 - 42270 guerra@helmholtz-berlin.de Secretary/Assistance
Staff and Guests
Gupta, Siddharth siddharth.gupta@helmholtz-berlin.de
Ma, Chaoqun 8062 - 42625 chaoqun.ma@helmholtz-berlin.de doctoral student
Wibowo, Dr. rer. nat. Enggar 8062 - 15640 enggar.wibowo@helmholtz-berlin.de postdoctoral scientist