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Explainers that can be used for education and videos from our school lab
Perovskite is a new material with great promise and is at the forefront of photovoltaic research. And because they complement silicon perfectly, you can develop super-efficient tandem cells with perwoskite and silicon.
What does an artificial leaf do and how can you build one? How can we technically capture and store solar energy? We are investigating this at HZB and are also using our synchrotron BESSY II for this purpose.
Movements in solar cells: How does the electric charge move within a solar cell and how can the efficiency of the cells be improved?
Function of a solar cell: What are the different parts of a solar cell and how does it function?
A conventional solar cell compared with a thin-film solar cell.
The video clip shows a complex solar cell with a so-called superstrate structure. This cell works like an "artificial leaf", using sunlight to split water and produce hydrogen gas. (ger)
The most important questions for BER II in two minutes (ger)
Conventional silicon technology: From silicon to solar cells
Videos from our school lab
Kelvin and the Gas Law: Why physicists prefer to measure temperature in Kelvin (ger)
Exploring magnetism in the school lab: pupils experimented with magnets in the pupils' laboratory at HZB and made interesting observations
Levitating superconductor: This experiment is part of the project day "Magnetism and Superconductivity" in our school lab "Blick in die Materie"