Department Optics and Beamlines
Team FAIR-Data management
This WebSite is currently under construction
We support our users and beamline scientists to manage their (meta)data to make their data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Our efforts include the standardization of beamline and experiment data in terms of NeXus instrument definition and NeXus application definition, respectively.
We actively work with the following groups for standardizing different parts of the data life cycle:
- NeXus International Advisory Committee (NIAC): Entire data life cycle
- FAIRmat Area B: Preserve, Share, Resuse through NOMAD
- Bluesky: Plan, Collect, Process, Analyse
The status of NeXus data at BESSY II beamlines as of 2024:
Green: The beamline where blueksy is deployed and will be capable of automatic exporting NeXus hdf5 files
Yellow: The bluesky deployment is in progress
Gray: Upcoming beamline
© 03/25 smalerz and S.R. Patel