Department Optics and Beamlines
The following devices and methods for characterisation of optical elements are available.
The insitu Metrology:
- UHV-Reflectometer for at-wavelength metrology with Synchrotron radiation
- UHV-Polarimeter for polarimetry with synchrotron radiation
- Optics Beamline for UV and VUV synchrotron radiation
- Hard X-ray test beamline (KMC-2)
The exsitu Metrology:
- Nanometer Optical Measuring Machine NOM
- 3-axes-x-ray Diffractometer
- Atomic-Force Microscope
- white light interferometer
- Optical Microscopes
- 18“/4“ Fizeau-type ZYGO-GPI interferometer for plane surfaces
We have access to the HZB AZM Centre to share their technology for nanostructuring of optical surfaces such as electron beam writer and optical lithography, sputter- and evaporation chambers, etching and techno-chemical equipment and a new interference-microscope with stitching-option.
The Science Centre Adlershof offers excellent opportunities of scientific/technological cooperation with small- and medium-sized enterprices and institutes specialised in areas such as crystal growth, surface polishing, capillary optics, microstructuring, detector development, vacuum technology and UHV-high precision mechanical systems.