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Department Optics and Beamlines

Project BESSY III beamlines

This WebSite is currently under construction

BESSY III will be a world-leading 4th-genertaion synchrotron for soft-to-tender X-rays. It will offer the German, European and international user community from academia and industry powerful experimental capabilities for materials research, and thereby drive materials discovery to address major societal challenges, in particular the quest for a climate-neutral society.

To archive these goals and to be at the forefront of current and future scientific challenges, we conceptualize and develop State of the Art beamlines. We are already planning the first beamlines for BESSY III, tailored to the specifications of the new, highly coherent source and the future experiments. To this end, we are further developing our ray tracing software RayUI and implementing new calculation models.

To quantify the new properties of the Source and the new beamlines, we develop new measuring methods together with our cooperation partners to build the best soft to tender x-ray synchrotron in the world in the heart of the City of Science Adlershof by 2035.

We already presented BESSY III in a preliminary concept report (pre-CDR) in 2022 and are currently working on the final report.

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