Young Investigator Group Magnetism and Coherent X-Ray Imaging

2023-04-24 Experiment highlight: Our beamtime at the European XFEL on laser-induced topological switching came to a happy end! 16 team members from HZB, MBI Berlin, Uni Augsburg, DESY, PSI, RU Nijmegen, and MPI Göttingen and 6 members of the EuXFEL-SCS crew worked day and night for one week to obtain the data in sprint in the last hours of the beamtime. The picture shows part of the team at 08:00 am, tired but very happy!
2023-03-01 Krishnanjana PJ and Manas Patra joined our group as a PhD students. Welcome Krishnanjana and Manas!
2023-02-01 Victor Deinhart joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome Victor!
2023-01-18 Paper highlight: Coherent correlation imaging for resolving fluctuating states of matter by Klose et al. was published in Nature! The work emerged from a collaboration between Max-Born Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, and TU Berlin.
2022-12-01 Dr. Steffen Wittrock joined our group as a postdoc and deputy group leader. Welcome Steffen!
2022-10-31 Riccardo presented his work at the MMM conference in Minneapolis, MN, USA. His work received a prize of USD 250 as "finalist for best student presentation." Congratulations Riccardo!
2022-09-05 & 2022-09-06 Prize talk and prize ceremony for the Walter-Schottkey-Prize for Felix at the DPG conference in Regensburg.
2022-07-01 Dr. Kai Litzius joined our group at University of Augsburg as a scientist. He will also be frequently at HZB. Welcome Kai!
2022-07-01 Felix was offered and accepted a tenured professor position at the University of Augsburg and a co-appointment at HZB. The group transforms from a Young Investigator Group to a Joint Research Group. The group at HZB will continue to exist.
2022-05-16 Paper highlight: Deterministic Generation and Guided Motion of Magnetic Skyrmions by Focused He+-Ion Irradiation by Kern et al. was published in Nano Letters! The work emerged from a collaboration between Max-Born Institute, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, TU Berlin, MPI Stuttgart, and DESY.
2022-01-01 Tamer Karaman joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome Tamer!
2021-11-18 The German Physical Society (DPG) announces that Felix will receive the 2022 Walter Schottky Prize!
2021-11-12 Felix gave a talk in the Online Spintronics Seminar. The talk is openly available here.
2021-09-24 Robert Peter Meier successfully defended his BS thesis. Congratulations Robert!
2021-09-16 Riccardo Battistelli won the Best Poster Award at the European School of Magnetism. Congratulations Riccardo!!
2021-07-05 Dr. Kai Litzius joined our group as a guest scientist for one month. Welcome Kai!
2022-05-18 Robert Peter Meier joined our group as a BS student. Welcome Robert!
2021-05-10 Paper highlight: Application concepts for ultrafast laser-induced skyrmion creation and annihilation by Gerlinger et al. was published in Applied Physics Letters! The work emerged from a collaboration between Max-Born Institute, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, TU Berlin, DESY, and Saratov State University.
2021-04-26 Paper highlight: Accurate extraction of anisotropic spin–orbit torques from harmonic measurements by van Elst et al. was published in Applied Physics Letters! The work emerged from a collaboration between Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, and ETH Zurich.
2021-04-15 Sascha Petz joined our group as a technician. Welcome Sascha!
2021-01-22 Our first holography beamtime at the BOREAS beamline at ALBA (Barcelona) started. Daniel and Riccardo participated, with great support by Manuel Valvidares.
2021-01-06 The WEH Conference on Magnetism started today, which was co-organized by Felix Büttner together with Jakob Walowski and Bastian Pfau.
2020-10-05 Paper highlight: Observation of fluctuation-mediated picosecond nucleation of a topological phase by Büttner, Pfau, et al. was published online in Nature Materials! The work emerged from a collaboration between Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Max-Born Institute, University of Mainz, European XFEL, DESY, Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Göttingen, TU Berlin and the DSSC Consortium.
2020-06-01 Our very first beamtime started today at beamline P04 of PETRA-III in Hamburg!
2020-06-01 Daniel Metternich joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome Daniel!
2020-05-01 Riccardo Battistelli joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome Riccardo!
2020-03-01 Dr. Felix Büttner started the group with his Helmholtz Young Investigator Grant. We thank the Helmholtz Association and HZB for funding our group for the upcoming 6 years!