Institute Quantum Phenomena in Novel Materials
Quantum magnetism and frustrated magnets
In the following we present selected examples of recent research in the fields of quantum magnetism and frustrated magnets. For a full list of publications of our institute click here
Finite temperature tensor network algorithm for frustrated 2D quantum materials
We present a two-dimensional tensor network algorithm to study finite temperature properties of frustrated model quantum systems and real quantum materials. To obtain state-of-the-art benchmarking results, we explore the highly challenging spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the Kagome lattice, a system for which we investigate the melting of the magnetization plateaus at finite magnetic field and temperature. Making a close connection to actual experimental data of real quantum materials, we go on to studying the finite temperature properties of Ca10Cr7O28
P Schmoll, C Balz, B Lake, J Eisert, A Kshetrimayum, Phys. Rev. B 109 (2024) 235119
Spin dynamics of the E8 particles
A quantum phase transition arises at zero temperature when the system is tuned by a non-thermal parameter. For a continuous quantum phase transition, novel physics with higher symmetry may emerge at the quantum critical point (QCP). As the system is driven away from the QCP with a relevant perturbation, exotic physics may further emerge. The transverse-field Ising chain is a paradigmatic model: when an Ising chain is perturbed by a longitudinal field parallel to the Ising direction, the quantum E8 integrable model emerges — a massive relativistic quantum field theory containing eight massive E8 particles.
Field-induced bound-state condensation and spin-nematic phase in SrCu2(BO3)2
Here we exploit the first purpose-built high-field neutron scattering facility to measure the spin excitations of SrCu2(BO3)2 up to 25.9 T and use cylinder matrix-product-states (MPS) calculations to reproduce the experimental spectra with high accuracy. Multiple unconventional features point to a condensation of S = 2 bound states into a spin-nematic phase, including the gradients of the one-magnon branches and the persistence of a one-magnon spin gap. This gap reflects a direct analogy with superconductivity, suggesting that the spin-nematic phase in SrCu2(BO3)2 is best understood as a condensate of bosonic Cooper pairs.
E Fogh, M Nayak, O Prokhnenko, M Bartkowiak, K Munakata, J-R Soh, AA Turrini, ME Zayed, E Pomjakushina, H Kageyama, H Nojiri, K Kakurai, B Normand, F Mila, and HM Rønnow, Nature Commun 15 (2024) 442
See also the associated highlight report
Spinon Heat Transport in PbCuTe2O6
Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) are novel phases of matter which remain quantum disordered even at the lowest temperature. They are characterized by emergent gauge fields and fractionalized quasiparticles. Here we show that the sub-Kelvin thermal transport of the three-dimensional S = 1/2 hyperhyperkagome quantum magnet PbCuTe2O6 is governed by a sizeable charge-neutral fermionic contribution which is compatible with the itinerant fractionalized excitations of a spinon Fermi surface. We demonstrate that this hallmark feature of the QSL state is remarkably robust against sample crystallinity, large magnetic field, and field-induced magnetic order, ruling out the imitation of QSL features by extrinsic effects. Our findings thus reveal the characteristic low-energy features of PbCuTe2O6 which qualify this compound as a true QSL material.
X Hong, M Gillig, ARN Hanna, S Chillal, ATMN Islam, B Lake, B Büchner, and C Hess, Phys Rev Lett 131 (2023) 256701, OA version
Quantum wake dynamics in Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains
Traditional spectroscopy, by its very nature, characterizes physical system properties in the momentum and frequency domains. However, the most interesting and potentially practically useful quantum many-body effects emerge from local, short-time correlations. Here, using inelastic neutron scattering and methods of integrability, we experimentally observe and theoretically describe a local, coherent, long-lived, quasiperiodically oscillating magnetic state emerging out of the distillation of propagating excitations following a local quantum quench in a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain. This “quantum wake” displays similarities to Floquet states, discrete time crystals and nonlinear Luttinger liquids. We also show how this technique reveals the non-commutativity of spin operators, and is thus a model-agnostic measure of a magnetic system’s “quantumness.”
A Scheie, P Laurell, B Lake, SE Nagler, MB Stone, J-S Caux, DA Tennant, Nat Commun 13 (2022) 5796 (OA)
See also the associated highlight report

The data from neutron scattering (left) provide information about absorbed energies in reciprocal space. With the new evaluation, it has been possible to obtain statements about new magnetic states and their temporal development in real space (right). The colours blue and red indicate the two opposite spin directions. © HZB
Spin liquid and ferroelectricity close to a quantum critical point in PbCuTe2O6
We report a comprehensive study of thermodynamic, magnetic and dielectric properties on single crystalline and pressed-powder samples of PbCuTe2O6, a candidate material for a 3D frustrated quantum spin liquid featuring a hyperkagome lattice. Whereas the low-temperature properties of the powder samples are consistent with the recently proposed quantum spin liquid state, an even more exotic behavior is revealed for the single crystals. These crystals show ferroelectric order at TFE ≈ 1 K, accompanied by strong lattice distortions, and a modified magnetic response—still consistent with a quantum spin liquid—but with clear indications for quantum critical behavior
C Thurn, P Eibisch, A Ata, M Winkler, P Lunkenheimer, I Kézsmárki, U Tutsch, Y Saito, S Hartmann , J Zimmermann, ARN Hanna, ATM Islam, S Chillal, B Lake, B Wolf, and M Lang, npj Quantum Materials (2021) 6:9 (OA)

Temperature dependence of the electric polarization of single crystalline PbCuTe2O6. The measurements were performed for different poling fields (−2.3 to +2.3 kV/cm), applied to the sample along the [110] direction during the preceding cooling run. The inset demonstrate the switching of the polarization achieved by first cooling the sample within negative field (1), applying a positive field for 1 min at 0.9 K (2), and finally reheating it without field (3).
Weak three-dimensional coupling of Heisenberg quantum spin chains in SrCuTe2O6
We studied the magnetic Hamiltonian of the Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet SrCuTe2O6 by inelastic neutron scattering above and below the magnetic transition temperatures at 8 and 2 K. The high-temperature spectra reveal a characteristic diffuse scattering corresponding to a multispinon continuum, confirming the dominant quantum spin chain behavior due to the third neighbor interaction. The low-temperature spectra exhibit sharper excitations at energies <1.25 meV, which can be explained by considering a combination of weak antiferromagnetic first nearest neighbor interchain coupling J1 and even weaker ferromagnetic second nearest neighbor J2. These results suggest that SrCuTe2O6 is a highly one-dimensional Heisenberg system with three mutually perpendicular spin chains coupled by a weak ferromagnetic J2 in addition to the antiferromagnetic J1.
S Chillal, ATMN Islam, P Steffens, R Bewley, B Lake, Phys Rev B 104 (2021) 144402, OA version
Magnetization Process of Atacamite
We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the mineral atacamite Cu2Cl(OH)3. Density-functional theory yields a Hamiltonian describing anisotropic sawtooth chains with weak 3D connections. Experimentally, we fully characterize the antiferromagnetically ordered state. Magnetic order shows a complex evolution with the magnetic field, while, starting at 31.5 T, we observe a plateaulike magnetization at about Msat/2. Based on complementary theoretical approaches, we show that the latter is unrelated to the known magnetization plateau of a sawtooth chain. Instead, we provide evidence that the magnetization process in atacamite is a field-driven canting of a 3D network of weakly coupled sawtooth chains that form giant moments.
L Heinze, HO Jeschke, II Mazin, A Metavitsiadis, M Reehuis, R Feyerherm, J-U Hoffmann, M Bartkowiak, O Prokhnenko, AUB Wolter, X Ding, VS Zapf, MC Corvalán, F Weickert, M Jaime, KC Rule, D Menzel, R Valentí, W Brenig, and S Süllow, Phys Rev Lett 126 (2021) 207201 (OA)
Signatures for Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless critical behavior
Neutron diffraction and muon spin rotation measurements on the spin-1 honeycomb antiferromagnet BaNi2V2O8 in the critical regime, both below and above the ordering temperature TN, characterize BaNi2V2O8 as a two-dimensional (2D) antiferromagnet across the entire temperature range, displaying a series of crossovers from 2D XY to 2D XXZ and then to 2D Heisenberg behavior with increasing temperature. The extracted critical exponent of the order parameter reveals a narrow temperature regime close to TN, in which the system behaves as a 2D XY antiferromagnet. Above TN, evidence for Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless behavior driven by vortex excitations is obtained from the scaling of the correlation length.
ES Klyushina, J Reuther, L. Weber, ATMN Islam, JS Lord, B Klemke, M. Månsson, S Wessel, and B Lake, Phys Rev B 104 (2021) 064402 (OA)

(a)–(c) Example configurations from CMC simulations of the honeycomb lattice where every second spin is artificially flipped for simplicity at (a) T=23K, (b) T=46K, and (c) T=92K. The spin directions are indicated by colors, and the intensity of the color quantifies the size of the out-of-plane component.
Witnessing entanglement in quantum magnets
We demonstrate how quantum entanglement can be directly witnessed in the quasi-1D Heisenberg antiferromagnet KCuF3. We apply three entanglement witnesses—one tangle, two tangle, and quantum Fisher information—to its inelastic neutron spectrum and compare with spectra simulated by finite-temperature density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and classical Monte Carlo methods. We find that each witness provides direct access to entanglement. Of these, quantum Fisher information is the most robust experimentally and indicates the presence of at least bipartite entanglement up to at least 50 K, corresponding to around 10% of the spinon zone-boundary energy. We apply quantum Fisher information to higher spin-S Heisenberg chains and show theoretically that the witnessable entanglement gets suppressed to lower temperatures as the quantum number increases. Finally, we outline how these results can be applied to higher dimensional quantum materials to witness and quantify entanglement.
A Scheie, P Laurell, AM Samarakoon, B Lake, SE Nagler, GE Granroth, S Okamoto, G Alvarez, DA Tennant, Phys Rev B 103 (2021) 224434 (OA)
See also the associated highlight report
Evidence for a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid in PbCuTe2O6
Quantum spin liquids are very rare and are confined to a few specific cases where the interactions between the magnetic ions cannot be simultaneously satisfied (known as frustration). Lattices with magnetic ions in triangular or tetra-hedral arrangements, which interact via isotropic antiferromagnetic interactions, can generate such a frustration. Three-dimensional isotropic spin liquids have mostly been sought in materials where the magnetic ions form pyrochlore or hyperkagome lattices. Here we present a three-dimensional lattice called the hyper-hyperkagome that enables spin liquid behaviour and manifests in the compound PbCuTe2O6. Using a combination of experiment and theory, we show that this system exhibits signs of being a quantum spin liquid with no detectable static magnetism together with the presence of diffuse continua in the magnetic spectrum suggestive of fractional spinon excitations.
S Chillal, Y Iqbal, HO Jeschke, JA Rodriguez-Rivera, R Bewley, P Manuel, D Khalyavin, P Steffens, R Thomale, ATMN Islam, J Reuther, B Lake, Nat Commun 11 (2020) 2348 (OA)
See also the associated highlight report
Follow-up publications:
ARN Hanna, ATMN Islam, R Feyerherm, K Siemensmeyer, K Karmakar, S Chillal, B Lake,
Phys Rev Materials 5 (2021) 113401, OA version
P Eibisch, C Thurn, A Ata, Y Saito, S Hartmann, U Tutsch, B Wolf, ATMN Islam, S Chillal, ARN Hanna, B Lake, M Lang, Phys Rev B 107 (2023) 235133, OA version
Dispersions of many-body Bethe strings
Complex bound states of magnetic excitations, known as Bethe strings, were predicted almost a century ago to exist in one-dimensional quantum magnets. The dispersions of the string states have so far remained the subject of intensive theoretical studies. By performing neutron scattering experiments on the one-dimensional Heisenberg–Ising antiferromagnet SrCo2V2O8 in high longitudinal magnetic fields, we revealed in detail the dispersion relations of the string states over the full Brillouin zone, as well as their magnetic field dependencies. Furthermore, the characteristic energy, the scattering intensity and linewidth of the observed string states exhibit excellent agreement with our precise Bethe–ansatz calculations. Our results establish the important role of string states in the quantum spin dynamics of one-dimensional systems, and will invoke studies of their dynamical properties in more general many-body systems.
AK Bera, J Wu, W Yang, R Bewley, M Boehm, J Xu, M Bartkowiak, O Prokhnenko, B Klemke, ATMN Islam, JM Law, Z Wang, and B Lake, Nat Phys 16 (2020) 625, OA version
See also the associated highlight report
Order out of a Coulomb Phase and Higgs Transition in Nd2Zr2O7
The pyrochlore material Nd2Zr2O7 with an “all-in-all-out” (AIAO) magnetic order shows novel quantum moment fragmentation with gapped flat dynamical spin ice modes. The parametrized spin Hamiltonian with a dominant frustrated ferromagnetic transverse term reveals a proximity to a U(1) spin liquid. We studied the magnetic excitations of Nd2Zr2O7 above the ordering temperature (TN) using high-energy-resolution inelastic neutron scattering. Our findings relate the magnetic ordering of Nd2Zr2O7 with the Higgs mechanism and provide explanations for several previously reported experimental features.
J Xu, O Benton, ATMN Islam, T Guidi, G Ehlers, and B Lake, Phys Rev Lett 124 (2020) 097203 (OA)