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Institute Quantum Phenomena in Novel Materials

Strongly correlated electrons

In the following we present a few examples of research carried out in the field of strongly correlated electrons within the last few years.

For a full list of publications of our institute click here.


Updated phase diagram of Y1−xPrxBa2Cu3O7−y


Anisotropic momentum dependence of phonon intensity and dispersive CO excitations in La2−xSrxCuO4 (x ¼ 0.45); (b),(d) the inelastic RIXS intensity map for visualizing the CO correlation.


Pictorial representation of the Coulomb interaction potential V(r) in the CuO2 plane


Topological properties of MnSb2Te4 revealed by ARPES: ARPES maps along E(k∥x) for five different photon energies displayed at the deduced kz values.


Above the phase transition at 25.8 Tesla, U2Pd2In exhibis a complex magnetic ordering pattern © HZB