Joint Research Group Macromolecular Crystallography
BL14.2 Overview

BL14.2 Summary
BL14.2 is a fully tuneable beamline for high-brilliance monochromatic crystallography experiments covering numerous absorption edges with a flux of 4.5 10^11 photon/sec at 13.5 keV.
Please check the supported sample holders and vial specifications.
Status: Maintenance
- Protein Crystallography - Life Science
- Chemical Crystallography at atomic resolution
- Macromolecular Crystallography - MAD Data collection
- Single Crystal Diffraction
- High-throughput Fragment Screening
- Long-wavelength data collection
Sample Environment
- 100 K Cryostream
- Room temperature data collection
- Safe-light environment for light-sensitive samples
- Automatic sample changer ISARA 2, Universal puck support only
- Nanodiffractometer
X-ray Detectors
- Pilatus3S 2M with 25 Hz data rate
- Amptec XR123 SSD (currently in maintenance)