• Born, A.; Leitner, T.; Bidermane, I.; Ovsyannikov, R.; Svensson, S.; Martensson, N.; Föhlisch, A.: Quantification of Ni L2,3 core-hole relaxation pathways utilizing Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy. Physical Review B 103 (2021), p. 115121/1-6


Ni LVV Auger spectra, in coincidence with the corresponding 2p1/2, 2p3/2, and 6 eV satellite photoelectrons, have been used to examine electron correlation and itinerance effects in Ni. In coincidence with the 2p3/2 core level, the Auger spectral shape is represented by localized 3d8 and itinerant valence final states with an additional 3d7 Auger shake-up contribution. The spectra in coincidence with the 6 eV satellite probe the decay of localized 2p53d9 double hole states, leading to 3d7 final states. It is found that a fraction of the double hole states delocalize before the Auger decay. A similar delocalization is observed for the double hole states produced by the L2L3M45 Coster-Kronig process, and the delocalization rates have been determined.