Professorship for Antonio Abate at Bielefeld University

Perovskite expert Dr Antonio Abate has accepted a call to a W2 professorship at Bielefeld University.

Perovskite expert Dr Antonio Abate has accepted a call to a W2 professorship at Bielefeld University. © privat

Dr. Antonio Abate investigates perovskite semiconductors for low-cost and highly efficient solar cells and heads a large research group at the Helmholtz Centre Berlin. Now he has accepted a W2 professorship in the Department of Chemistry at Bielefeld University.

Dr. Antonio Abate has investigated metal-organic perovskite solar cells at HZB since 2017. In 2018, he received an ERC Starting Grant to develop perovskite layers in which less problematic elements can replace environmentally harmful lead. Antonio is also working with his large international team to increase the long-term stability of perovskite materials. Antonio will offer block seminars for students at Bielefeld University.


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