• Rice, D.B.; Wong, D.; Weyhermüller, T.; Neese, F.; DeBeer, S.: The spin-forbidden transition in iron(IV)-oxo catalysts relevant to two-state reactivity. Science Advances 10 (2024), p. eado1603/1-9

Open Accesn Version

Quintet oxoiron(IV) intermediates are often invoked in nonheme iron enzymes capable of performing selective oxidation, while most well-characterized synthetic model oxoiron(IV) complexes have a triplet ground state. These differing spin states lead to the proposal of a two-state reactivity model, where the complexes cross from the triplet to an excited quintet state. However, the energy of this quintet state has never been measured experimentally. Here, magnetic circular dichroism is used to assign the singlet and triplet excited states in a series of triplet oxoiron(IV) complexes. These transition energies are used to determine the energies of the quintet state via constrained fitting of 2p3d resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. This allowed for a direct correlation between the quintet energies and substrate C-H oxidation rates.