Danilovich, I.L.; Deeva, E.B.; Bukhteev, K.Y.; Vorobyova, A.A.; Morozov, I.V.; Volkova, O.S.; Zvereva, E.A.; Maximova, O.V.; Solovyev, I.V.; Nikolaev, S.A.; Phuyal, D.; Abdel-Hafiez, M.; Wang, Y.C.; Lin, J.Y.; Chen, J.M.; Gorbunov, D.I.; Puzniak, K.; Lake, B.; Vasiliev, A.N.: Co(NO3)2 as an inverted umbrella-type chiral noncoplanar ferrimagnet. Physical Review B 102 (2020), p. 094429/1-7
Open Accesn Version

The low-dimensional magnetic systems tend to reveal exotic spin-liquid ground states or form peculiar types of long-range order. Among systems of vivid interest are those characterized by the triangular motif in two dimensions. The realization of either ordered or disordered ground state in triangular, honeycomb, or kagome lattices is dictated by the competition of exchange interactions, also being sensitive to anisotropy and the spin value of magnetic ions. While the low-spin Heisenberg systems may arrive to a spin-liquid long-range entangled quantum state with emergent gauge structures, the high-spin Ising systems may establish the rigid noncollinear structures. Here, we present the case of chiral noncoplanar inverted umbrella-type ferrimagnet formed in cobalt nitrate Co(NO3 )2 below TC = 3K with the comparable spin and orbital contributions to the total magnetic moment.